Wayne Dyer was a "new thought" pioneer. His books and his workshops helped millions to understand concepts like intentions, positive affirmations, creating your own reality, self-improvement, and love. He had a positive impact on millions of lives. He helped people to think, to grow, to improve, to explore, to discard old self-defeating ways. Too bad he didn't make horror movies to scare the shit out of people--if he had, his obituary would be getting a lot more play right now.
Wayne Dyer died yesterday--I saw it on the CNN website last night within minutes of the announcement. This morning, however, while watching the CBS Morning News, I saw a large story about some director who made horror movies who also died. It went on for quite awhile--re-telling how this guy figured out how to scare the bejeepies out of people. Such a loss, right? I waited for at least three-quarters into that program, but nary a word about Wayne Dyer. Maybe they tagged him on at the end, I don't know. Although the CNN site had called Wayne Dyer last night on their post a self-improvement guru--almost with disdain--at least he was listed, right? Well, today it was removed. No mention of his passing. In fact, right now I looked at the CNN site again. The horror movie director is still on there--but no Wayne. Interesting, isn't it? If you extol fear, you get a big obituary send-off by CBS Morning News. If you extol love and acceptance and gratitude, you are relegated to a footnote. Sometimes, not even that. Goodbye, Wayne. Those of us who learned from you and respected you will miss you. As for the fans of horror films, well, some other money-making, fear-mongering guru will take the place of the one you just lost. And quicker than you think. It is much easier to deal in fear than it is to deal in love. And a lot more lucrative. If you haven't read Pam Grout's two books on creating your reality with your thoughts, go out and get them. E-squared and E-cubed contain fun and convincing experiments to either introduce you to this life-changing concept or else give you a booster shot if you already subscribe to it.
Pam is not your typical author. I have contacted her on her website page twice, and despite being a New York Times #1 best-selling author and in the midst of incredible success, the woman actually personally responded to both emails. Isn't that like....being too humble and normal? She actually practices what she preaches. Granted, I was hoping I could entice her to read MY two novels (that explore the same themes as her books) and that she would give them the boost into the limelight they so much deserve, but the fact that she even cares what her readers are thinking and doing is so refreshing! I am still waiting for her, by the way, to read my books and sing my praises. It will happen! Her blog, her email responses, her FB posts--they all scream of joy and authenticity and of someone who is a true believer in and example of the truth of the Law of Attraction. Pam is the real deal. If you have never read books by Dolores Cannon, then you have missed out on one of the greatest opportunities to stretch your thinking. Dolores passed away yesterday, and for those of us trying to push this humdrum world into focusing on the bigger questions, the expansive Universe, and the future of Earth and its inhabitants, it is a tremendous loss. She was a leader--a soft-spoken, informative grandmother-type--in making us all realize there is much, much more to life than we realize. Her series of books called "The Convoluted Universe" opened our minds to new possibilities for "the new Earth."
Stop watching football and eating pumpkin rolls for a brief moment this fall and check out her website: http://www.dolorescannon.com or just watch some of her many videos on YouTube. It's more exciting than a touchdown pass. It's more satisfying than a pumpkin roll. Rest in Peace, Dolores. Enjoy your new dimension. We all learned so very much from you. I would be remiss to let this historic day pass without comment. "The Man Who Couldn't Dream" devoted a whole chapter to the moon landing. It explored theories that people have about the moon landing being staged, and more unsettling theories that we actually landed there, but found something that humanity could never accept without upsetting the apple cart.
Many conspiracy theorists spend time arguing and proving various aspects of the moon landing, from flags that waved in the wind where there is no wind, to shadows going the wrong way, to Buzz Aldrin refusing to put his hand on a Bible and swear he was up there. "The Man Who Couldn't Dream," however, takes a different approach. All it asks is that you use a little common sense when thinking about the "moon landing story." Because the truth is, something doesn't add up with the way it is told. It simply doesn't add up. I offer one "common sense" thing to think about--which "The Man Who Couldn't Dream" makes clear along with some other startling facts. Why isn't today a national holiday? Why do we not "remember" or "honor" the BIGGEST achievement in U.S. history, or for that matter, the biggest achievement of all of humanity? No "Moon Landing Day." Days to honor everything from 911 to veterans to Martin Luther King to Columbus. But no Moon Landing Day. Hmmmmm. Now why do you think that is? I love Joel Osteen. His "sermons" are packed with new age and new thought ideas to the max. Your thoughts create your reality. Expect only good and it will come. Show gratitude for what you have and the Universe will reward you with even greater abundance. God is all good and doesn't "punish" people. You are a victor, not a victim. If you want something to happen, pretend it has already happened. I could go on and on. Joel has the "new thought" concepts down like no one else and he has a way of expressing them like no one else.
Joel, however, is smarter than the average new age guru. He has figured out that all this "new age" stuff is scary and goes against the grain. The God of the Old Testament and most religions would tar and feather him for what he is preaching, and Joel is no fool. So he has his audience HOLD UP THE BIBLE, like you really mean it, and they start by chanting about the Bible. Then he throws in a fair amount of "stories" he has gleaned from the Bible (with ancient names of people like Ruth and Noah and Abraham) to prove all his "new age" points. And, for the most part, none of his audience is the wiser. They think he is a Bible-thumping evangelist, while the whole time Joel Osteen is a leading "new thought" guru. They think he is "old school," all the while Joel is introducing them to "new school." They think he is a "pastor" when all the while Joel is a leader to a new way of thinking, a new world. Yes, Joel Osteen is simply a New Age Guru running around in a Biblical overcoat. He makes "new thought" ideas more acceptable, more palatable. And my hat is off to him for that. You go, Joel. That is what I am hoping my novels will help do, as well. Make "new thought" ideas more palatable, so those who have been so restricted and restrained by old world religion from 2,000 years ago can start thinking for themselves. Start asking questions. Start doing research. Start wondering if there may be a better way to look at things, a better way to live in this world, a better concept of the divine. I was listening to an interview with Wayne Dyer, the well-known author of "new thought" self-help books and a regular staple on Public Television. Turns out that when Wayne writes a book, it starts by him first getting the title. After he "gets" a title, he asks his art staff to prepare a book cover. Then he takes the book cover, puts it on another book, and sets it in front of him. The new book, he says, just kind of "comes" to him after that. Almost writes itself.
If you believe that you create your own reality, that imagination produces results, that focusing on something will bring you what you want, that the Universe will fulfill all needs or wishes, that if you see something as being done, it will be done.....well, it makes a lot of sense. At least, Wayne Dyer believes that. And, interestingly enough, so do I! I knew years and years ago that my first book would someday be called "Legs in the Attic." Friends still remind me that I used to say that years ago before I even wrote my first novel. And, I knew what I wanted on the cover well before the book actually got written. And, when the time came to actually write it, both the title and the cover made perfect sense! Likewise, I knew when I took the picture of the chipmunk in front of Mt. Rainier years and years ago, that that picture was special and would someday grace a book cover. And when the title "The Man Who Couldn't Dream" came to me for this second novel, the story still hadn't come. Again, the title and the cover were done well before the novel got written. Unlike Wayne, I have no "art staff"--there is just me and cover creator software. And I don't put it on an old book and set it in front of me, I simply put it as the background on my computer's desktop. But the principle is still the same. If you see something as done, as completed--both in your mind and in front of you each day--with a little time and help from the Universe, it will actually become reality! That's the law of the Universe. I know my third novel is only months away from being written and out there. How do I know that? Well, the title came to me in a rather extraordinary way several weeks back. It will definitely be called "Think of the Sunflower." And the cover design popped into my head very shortly after that. It currently stares at me daily from my desktop. And guess what? The plot line rambled into my thoughts very shortly after that! "Stuff" for the book is "coming" to me quite regularly now! I just need the time to sit down and put it all on paper. And as Wayne Dyer and I both know: that's just how writing--and life--really works! I marvel at how many "opinion polls" there are on various internet pages, particularly "news" pages.
Do you think the sanctions against Putin are going to work? Do you think Oscar Pistorius is guilty of murder? Do you think terrorism is behind the missing plane? The answers you can choose from are very cut and dry, very black and white. And thousands of people click their "opinions" on these buttons every day. They have strong opinions on these and most other matters. The sad fact is, of course, they know none of the details (the inside, real facts) of the Ukraine crisis, a murder trial down in South Africa, or a Malaysian flight disappearance. They are simply in their homes in Arkansas or Utah and watching FOX, CNN, MSNBC or the local news (all of which receive their news feeds from one source these days and simply pass on sketchy facts couched in their own opinions and ideologies). The poll clickers don't have a clue about any of these three situations, so why should their "opinion" even count, let alone be registered and reported? Instead they should be clicking on polls that ask if they eat oranges every week, go to baseball games at least once a month, or what they think about their children playing video games 4 hours a day. These are questions they have personal experience about--these are the kind of questions that make their opinions valid. So, what does THIS have to do with the novels I write? I write novels that introduce ideas that perhaps some people have not thought about, have not taken an opinion poll on, and have not seen covered in their news feeds or on TV. I write novels with the hope of making ordinary folks QUESTION things. Question the news coverage, question the opinions presented as news coverage, question their government, and question the status quo. I want people to explore new concepts via the only real way to learn facts in this world: through their own personal one-on-one experience with their surroundings and the extraordinary laws of the Universe. Not through news feeds and certainly not through opinion polls. I was reminded this past weekend just how hard it is to change people's opinions. We are all guilty of believing that our way of thinking is the right way--and many times, the only way. And, we become very defensive, and at times belligerent, when we run into the opposite view.
I was at a Lewis Black comedy event on Saturday, at a venue in what most people would describe as a very affluent, white, conservative, Republican area of Florida. If you know what Lewis Black is all about (he regularly appears on "The Daily Show"), you know what to expect at his performances. Apparently, however, there were folks who didn't know. My guess is that they bought season tickets to all performances at this place and didn't do any homework on Lewis Black. As a result, opposing opinions clashed. And quite loudly. One man took such offense to Mr. Black's views on the recent "loud music" trial and shooting in Jacksonville, that he got up, yelled loudly that Mr. Black was an idiot (with some obscenities thrown in, I think), and stormed out. Mr. Black admitted he was "stunned" by this. "Why did he come to see me then?" he asked the audience. I heard other patrons murmuring similar disapproval of the political views Lewis Black expounded in his performance when leaving the theatre at the show's end. So what does this have to do with me and the books I write? It's simple. My books are being written as novels that I hope will reach the general population and open their minds to new ideas. I could play it safe and only write them as non-fiction and label them "new thought" and "new age." That way just the folks who are into "Woo-Woo" would read them and we would all be happy. It would be like Lewis Black only doing his act in New York City. That way I could prevent literature readers ("season ticket holders") without a clue about me from inadvertently picking up my books and reading them--and being either offended, confused, angry or skeptical about the ideas presented in them when they don't line up with their own religious, scientific or political beliefs. But that's not how humanity moves forward. That's not how mankind betters itself. And that's not why people write books. And least not me. Welcome to my new site and my new blog page! If you have read The Man Who Couldn't Dream, you will see the synchronicity and symbolism behind starting this new site and blog on February 2nd. No, it has nothing to do with the Super Bowl. It has to do with Groundhog's Day and our furry, little marmot friends!
I will be blogging here occasionally on subjects related to my books--"new thought," "new age," the environment, healing, conspiracy theories, and all the subjects that "non-believers" or novices jokingly refer to as WOO-WOO. It is my hope that the "non-believers" come here often and also read my books. They are the ones whose minds I am trying to open to the amazing--albeit, hard to believe--laws and principles that govern this Universe. It is my guess they won't pick up the thousands of non-fiction books on these subjects. They may, however, enjoy a good, entertaining novel that will introduce them to concepts and ideas that they might--just might--find interesting enough to start exploring. As our ancient ancestors knew, there is much more to this world and Universe than just our 5 senses. Unfortunately, science, religion and corporate greed has suppressed these concepts for centuries. And there is much more to this world and Universe than sports and Super Bowls. Yet if you listen to mainstream media, you'd never know it. So, welcome to my site and blog. I hope to see and hear from you often. Oh, yes, "Go, Broncos!" :-) |
May 2017
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